Hello lovelies, 2018 has been one incredible year and as usual, I am going to share some highlights this year has brought as well as some valuable lessons learnt. Let us begin…

2018’s Highlights

  1. I featured 4 prominent people on #CBIOxINSPIRATION and their write-ups were both transformational and awesomazing! Thanks to Dr. Yidana, Barry, George and Bernice for the great messages shared with everyone. May God bless each one of you!! I tested the waters to see if it will be great to bring other people on board and it was truly amazing. So with that said, are you ready for SEASON TWO?? (if you haven’t read their messages yet, read here).

  2. I celebrated one year of blogging. Hurray!! God is soo good. I also started a YouTube channel (search ChicBeauty In & Out TV on YouTube).

  3. I was featured in the SMU Journal (ie. Saint Mary’s University’s newspaper). Follow me on Instagram (@chicbeauty_inandout) to see some of the feature.

  4. I graduated from university and moved from one province to another; from Nova Scotia to Ontario.

  5. I redesigned my website and introduced a new phase to my blog (read here).

Valuable Lessons Learned This Year

  1. God hears our prayers. He is fully aware of our problems so if your prayer request has not been answered, just believe that it will happen at God’s own timing. Do not rush the process. Learn valuable lessons in this waiting period.

  2. God loves to give us surprises. I call Him the mind blowing God. Depend on Him.

  3. Do what you love. When you do what God has ordained you to do, you do not need someone else to discourage your vision. God’s vision only matters and that will propel you for greatness. Since God gave you the vision, He will definitely equip you!

  4. Everyone has a purpose and a reason for living on earth. God created you to fulfill your purpose. If you do not know your purpose, ask Him. There is nothing too big that He cannot do, just ask Him. He yearns to speak and let you know things that you are oblivious.

  5. Be content; do not settle in for less in your season of contentment. Strive for God’s best. Contentment does not mean you are just going to live a lackadaisical life, you rather live a life of purpose, victory, double impact.

That is how my 2018 went. I thank God for His faithfulness and I hope you have been encouraged by this post. I wish you a Happy Blessed New Year. Thank you for reading every post and sticking with the CBIO. God bless you!

With Love,

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