Hello lovelies, this is a long but needed post. I hope you are aware by now that at the end of each year, there is a blog post highlighting the year in review. Well, 2019’s year in review came a bit too late, but anyway, it’s still good to post it all the same!

#CBIOSQUAD, gather around and let’s see what CBIO was up to in 2019!

2019’s Highlights!

  1. Two new categories were added to the blog, i.e. the BEAUTY & the TRAVEL section. The feedback has been so amazing and I am happy to know that these newly added categories are benefiting y’all!

  2. #CBIOSQUAD are dedicated, passionate, and supportive people of the CBIO movement who have gone a step further by subscribing to my newsletter. They are the first to know what’s up with CBIO, they know which blog post is uploaded on the website and many other things. So with 2019, I decided to send each subscriber who provided their birthday in the subscription process, a personalized birthday message + prayer. The feedback I have received is so heartwarming and amazing!

  3. Quality over quantity. CBIO seeks to provide you with inspiring and informative posts.

Valuable Lessons Learned in 2019

  • God provides us with strength and patience when we go through challenges. He’s only a few calls away.

  • No learning curve is useless, no experience is wasted. God has a purpose in making you go through your challenges.

  • You can’t do this thing called “life” without God and people. Embrace community, interact, and exchange ideas with positive people.

  • Everyone is going through ups and downs, so exercise patience and show some love.

  • Pray to God all the time, even the things we classify as “minute” and seem not to ask God about it, is as important as the “big” prayer requests.

  • Take action. Do you want to start something but keep on postponing it? Take a step today towards achieving your goal!

So with that being said, who’s ready for 2020?!?

I am ready and I hope you are too! Let’s soar higher, and get closer to God, shall we?

See you in my next post!

With Love,

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